Friday, June 24, 2011

welcome home.

I met Meghan and Evan's mom this morning at 8am in Colorado Springs for Evan's homecoming....and I still have chills.  Literally.  The Fort Carson visitor's center was busting at the seams with absolute joy, wrenching anticipation and more pride than you will ever see in one room. The cheers when they announced that the buses had entered the gates - amazing.  I had chills before anything even happened, when Meghan's friend was describing how the homecoming was going to go - especially when she did her super accurate rendition of the Toby Keith song they'd play as the soldiers walk in!

Meghan - thank you so much for having me there this morning to capture this moment. Evan - thank you for your courageous service to our country....and welcome home!!! You have a wonderful family and was happy to meet some of them today!

 Pretty sure Evan asked in this text if he could go to a bar tomorrow and watch the USA vs Mexico Game.... :)

 I overheard Evan say, "killer boots." He's right, they totally are!

 Evan's dad got held up at the airport and missed the events but finally made it to Fort Carson....


  1. Wow!!! Im in tears seeing the amazing pictures of my daughter Meghan and her totally handsome husband! The day they have both been waiting for and so deserve. Thank you for allowing me to be there through your photos and getting to experience a little bit of the emotion that Im sure the family experienced.

  2. Sarah you totally ROCK!!! I was so caught up in the day and the many time changes for the event, that it was not until you had left that I was informed that you had driven down from Denver!!!!
    THANK YOU is not enough!! The pictures are perfect and we were blessed to have you there. Jen is right, Meghan and Evan have been waiting for this day as have we all, a safe return!!! I know you will be blessed in return for the volunteer work you do. God bless, Frana Schrock the MOM

  3. Frana,John,Meghan and Evan,Beautiful! These pictures brought tears to my eyes. Jack and are thrilled for all of you.

    Susie and Jack Linvill
