Sunday, February 27, 2011

:: an eye opening elksperience ::

When asked what type of photographer I am, I do not use the words landscape, nature or animal in my answer.  The words portrait and wedding always make the cut. Sure, I could contently snap away photos of my sister-in-law's wacky dog Mable or my snobby cat Tom all day, but that doesn't quite compare to the opportunities I get to capture truly blissful engaged, just married or expecting couples.

I guess it wasn't until I moved to the lovely state of Colorado that I realized that I can sometimes mix these two categories of photography. I think I'll continue to keep weddings and portraits as my main focus, but I bet I will find myself grabbing my Nikon and zoom lens as I depart for future adventures in the Rockies...........

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my first "nature portrait session."

Location - Rocky Mountain National Park.
My models - Rocky Mountain Mule Deer and a large herd of young Elk.

oh hello deer friend.

Pit stop - switched out the zoom for a fisheye. 
That is our nephew Ben standing between the two trees.

Just when we thought out luck was running out - we spotted a rather photogenic
herd of elk.

This little bird was really loving playing on this bull's back....

elk boxing.

Ben, enjoying our elk encounter. This is pre-too-close-for-comfort elk encounter. :)

the end. xoxo.

Monday, February 7, 2011

josiah & allison...married 9.25.2010.

Josiah & Allison....blogged 2.7.2011.

Four months later for their blog post? Thaaaat's right. Better late than never, right? Absolutely.

I have to admit, I think I had a smile on my face the entire time I was picking out images to share from this collection.  Allison and Josiah both have such sweet and caring personalities, are so so so adorable, and were just so much fun to work with.

It really wouldn't be a Maine beach side wedding without a trolley.

Norm, the best man, had something to say about a car... and Josiah....and driving really fast....

Sparklers! LOVE.

the end. 


Saturday, February 5, 2011

gangs all here.

There has been blogging silence for far too long.  Though this "slow season" coupled with my move to Denver has left me lacking new material to blog, I have what seems to be an endless supply of images from last summer and fall that are in need of some sharing. Before I get to all that, I have one shoot from this winter that I have yet to post...

A little over a month ago I had another opportunity to meet up with Cecelia (fashion show birthday girl) and family.  Like Cece's birthday shoot, this session was all about the kids, specifically, Cece, her brother and sister and their 5 cousins! We met up in Larimer Square on a Sunday morning and took advantage of the quiet streets until we all were freezing and decided a hot cocoa detour into  The Market was in order. Once warmed up, we headed back outside for a few more shots....
Band photo?

A a candy store.

Well hello there! This little one had a wardrobe change...lOVED his hat.

AND a little bonus feature. An oldie but a goody. A photo of me with my two sisters and two of my cousins. This is a classic from our annual childhood camping trips. Please note the clear obsession we all had with Keds footwear...

Lucia, Laura, Melissa, me and Kate.  Sebago Lake, ME State Park. 5 of the 17 cousins on my Dad's side.

the end.
