Tuesday, November 23, 2010

cece celebrates.

I have this framed photo at my house of me when I was little. I am actually not really sure when I acquired this photo...but anyway....

What am I wearing??! Well clearly I thought that it was an appropriate time to break out the white ensemble, pearl necklace, lace gloves and pink cocktail ring...so the fashions of the early '90s, right? And it was probably a Tuesday at 10am. But obviously I was loving it and so into whatever it was the I was writing that I let someone take a picture of me. Yes, these were the days. Ladies, you all remember these days...

Well two Friday's ago I got to relive this little gem of life at Cece's 8th birthday party. Cece is the daughter of one of my husband's coworkers, Cyndi. Cyndi called me a few weeks ago to see if I would be available to be the professional photographer at Cece's FASHION SHOW themed birthday party. Absolutely!! was my response. So I spent my Friday night with 1o eight-year-old girls backstage in hair and makeup and center stage as they strutted down the runway wearing all the coolest trends of 2010. And, there are obviously no pictures of this, but they actually got me to do the catwalk. I kid you not. Not a bad way to spend a Friday night! Photography, good food and wine, fun people and of course, a fashion show.

Happy Birthday to Cece! Thanks for inviting me to your party! I had a blast.

The birthday girl!

Necklace making station in the upstairs hallway. Always fun!

Cece waiting for her turn in hair and makeup.

A little before and after...

Side bangs! So chique!

Cece and her older sister Georgia (aka - the fashion show hair stylist)


The red carpet event...

Well obviously this party would not have been complete without Cece's brother Jude (aka - Katy Perry)
They went BANANAS over Katy Perry.

Gangs all here! 

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