Saturday, March 26, 2011

Operation Love :: the Mares family ::

Every weekday when my alarm buzzes, excuse me, blares oppressively with our local country music station, I clearly would like to continue sleeping beneath my cozy worn Anthropologie quilts atop the California king Tempurpedic cloud...for the remainder of the morning.  How can you blame me!? Doesn't that sound amazing? But eventually I stop pressing snooze, lace up the sneakers, exercise for a whopping 60 minutes three times a week and go to work a super non stressful 9-5er and help contribute to my health, family and future. Ohhh the intense sacrifices I make. 

These are puny (not a huge fan of this word-reminds me of something an elementary school meany would say, like scrawny, but it works here) sacrifices compared to extraordinary sacrifices that our service men and women make on a daily basis for our country, our freedom, our families and our day-to-day creature comforts. I believe we owe a lot to these brave individuals. I believe that it takes an awesome amount of commitment, strength (physically, emotionally and spiritually), and courage to do what our soldiers do and stand for.  I can hardly make it two hours without coffee or part ways with my bed each morning! Never mind living and eating in the field or boarding an airplane for Afghanistan or Iraq waving goodbye to loved ones for 7+ months at a time.

And the families of our soldiers, they are blessed individuals as well.  I tear up thinking about my mother-in-law's facebook post a few weeks ago when my brother-in-law came back from his deployment to Afghanistan...

"Got a huge bear hug a little bit ago! El is finally with us!"

And I could listen over and over to my step mom Maureen's reenactment of her grandson Jayden (cutest kid EVER) when he got a surprise visit from his dad, Jeff, over R&R...

Jeff's friend: "Who's that?" 
[insert Jayden's shocked face and wide eyes] 
Jayden: "That's my dad!" And I wasn't even there! The support, love and strength of these families is unending.

Though there is really no way for me to fully express my huge appreciation to our military members, I have recently found one small way to give back through photography.  This year I joined the Operation: Love Reunited organization - a large and growing group of photographers across the country who provide patriotic photographic services to our soldiers and their loved ones. My goal through this - to help show support, gratitude and patriotism and hopefully spread a little joy and comfort to our military members and their families.

Here are just a few of my favorites from my latest OpLove session...enjoy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Meet Carter.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of photographing a little curly haired charmer named Carter.  Carter is my friend Corey and Meadow's little one.  During this shoot he was subject to a little paparazzi - Corey, a landscape photographer, brought along his Nikon to practice his portrait photography! As the photos show - Carter displayed no camera shyness, was a good sport in the chilly weather, and he and my zoom lens became quite good friends...

All of that swinging really tested my focusing skills - this one slipped a bit - LOVE his expression just the same.
Sometime just before our shoot, Carter rejected a haircut....I would too if I had his curls!...
One of my absolute favorites. Adorable.

the end.


Monday, March 7, 2011

sneak peek - carter levi

One photo from yesterday's shoot with a fellow coworker and photographer Corey, his lovely wife Meadow and their cute cute CUTE little boy Carter.  Carter's location of choice for this shoot - either of the two bucket swings at the downtown Parker playground....

Happy Monday!

more to come this week.....

