Monday, November 19, 2012

Momsgiving :: 5 items of gratitude

Every night for a very brief period of time when I was little, my mom compelled me to write in a small notebook 5 things I was grateful for. Brief, as in, I think I only got about 10 pages deep. Not surprising, as I believe this short time overlapped middle school years when I had boyfriends of 2 weeks because I do vaguely remember writing that I was grateful for one of them at some point or another. This was probably #5. Sunshine, rollerblades, mixed tapes, and mac&cheese were likely listed first. I was a tween in the 90s afterall.

I have thought a lot recently about that little notebook and my mom's desire to have us write down what we were thankful for.  Maybe it's dwelling in my head because of the holiday season. Perhaps because people are blowing up my facebook page with their daily posts of thankfulness [insert a stitch of guilt for not participating. Also a stitch of grinch for once or twice not wanting to read them all]. Or because I know I will need to come up with at least one item I am thankful for to resite over turkey, mashed potatoes and grace with friends. Really though I think it has an inkling to do with how genuinely thankful and blessed I am for the gems and moments God has placed in my life recently.  And one of these gems is my Mom. Affectionately referred to as Ma [see also: wicked New England accent]. Yes, she still does, even if indirectly, help me realize all the things I should be thankful for and all of the ways that God continues to desire to show favor on my life. Oh, and! It is her bday tomorrow. How fitting!

So in the spirit of thanksgiving and praise and God's favor, below is my pictorial rendition [so 21st century] of the gratitude 5 item journal entry. Remember, it's the simple things in life...

:: one :: wardrobe comfort blankets. 
If you know me, you know that I have an absurd scarf collection [30+. no judging]. This is coupled with an absurd love of wearing said scarves to any and all occasions. You also know that I have a hard time finding any kind of boot that fits snuggly around my chicken stick legs. So when I do finally find a pair that doesn't make me look like I have legs of an 11-year-old, I will wear them to their death. My mom actually found me the boots below on Ebay (Thanks Mom! and Ebay!). As you can see, worn and loved to death.

:: two :: a shiny spin bike in my living room.
See also: sit and be fit.
See also: dance party on a bike.
See also: finding a spin bike on clearance for half off!

:: three :: clarity. literally and figuratively.
My 85mm prime = literal clarity. It is my absolute favorite portrait lens. So sharp. Perfect focal length. Lovely bokeh. I <3 this. Thank you Nikon.

:: four :: twin texts. 
I do love the convenience of texting. I text clients. I text coworkers, family, friends, etc. However, I don't think any of them provoke as much inordinate amounts of laughter (aka. the giggles) as text conversations with Kate, my twin. Below is one such example. Barely readable image intended. ;)

:: five :: pictures that speak a thousand things to be thankful for. 
Such as: Cowboys. This cowboy in particular. This cowboy and his awesome hat. This cowboy's MO to wear this hat whenever he wants. Even with sweatpants. Laughter. Happiness. Super soft vintage Ts. Sunlight. Spaghetti [Italian. obvi]. Faith. Trust. Love. Timing. Did I mention happiness?...

Happy Thanksgiving, friends. XO.